Salford’s ‘Local Offer’ for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities
If you have a child or children with special educational needs and/or disabilities, visit
You’ll find a huge range of information, support and advice on health services, things to do, travel and transport, getting involved and having your say and much more. Every council in the UK has a Local Offer to help you take more control over how your child’s needs are met, keep you informed and help you make the most of services and support in your area.
Who do I talk to in school if I think my child has special educational needs or a disability?
We work in partnership with the local authority to support all children and their families.
The SEND Coordinator, Miss Platt, is the person responsible for managing special educational needs and disabilities at St. Sebastian’s and can be contacted on 0161 921 1625 or via email at [email protected]
The Headteacher, Mrs Doyle, welcomes any parent or carer should they wish to come and discuss concerns regarding their child.
We also have a Family Liaison Officer (Miss Caroline Coffey) who greets the pupils each day at the school entrances, helps new pupils settle in quickly and is available for parents to speak to should they wish to share any queries or concerns.
Our Place2Be Mental Health Counsellor, Helen Stansfield-Boys, provides counselling and support for both pupils and families every Thursday and Friday. Further details and contacts can be found at the school office.
Should you need to seek guidance outside of the school, then the Salford Information Advice and Support Service (0161 778 0343/0349 or [email protected]) can offer support and impartial advice.
Provision for pupils with Special Educational Needs or disabilities is detailed in the school’s Information Report and Local Offer below.
Our SEND Policy also outlines our ‘person centred’ approach - how we identify, assess and review pupils with SEN or disabilities and the nature of provision. Our Equality Policy includes details about disability and accessibility for all and our Equality Objectives give a brief outline of our strategy for meeting the equality duty.
Should parents wish to make a complaint, they should follow the school's procedure as outlined in the SEND policy and the Complaints policy.
Please refer to the policy below for information regarding our admission arrangements for pupils with SEN or disabilities.
Department for Education Advice on Fair Access
Admissions Policy
Department for Education Advice on Fair Access provides information regarding pupils seeking a school place within the school year.
The following web links also provide further guidance regarding school admissions and accessing a school place: Salford City Council
The school's Attendance Team, together with the Headteacher and the Education Welfare Officer work closely and meet regularly with families to find solutions to improving attendance and punctuality of those potentially vulnerable pupils or those struggling with medical issues.
What's on offer at St. Sebastian's?
At St. Sebastian's we have a number of older children who take on a pastoral role helping to keep our children safe and happy at school. We have play leaders, pupil chaplains, digital leaders, prefects, house captains and a head boy and girl all eager to help. Our lunchtime, before and after school clubs are well attended.