

A homework activity sheet is sent home at the beginning of each half-term via Tapestry and paper copy. The homework contains a variety of activites based around the theme for the half term.

We ask parents to share homework on Tapestry or the children may bring in their homework to share in class.


KS1 and KS2


Pupils should aim to read their reading book for 5-10 minutes each night. We ask parents to sign the reading record to show which pages have been read. Pupils should have their reading book (reading pack in KS1) in school every day as adults in school may read with them.


Pupils have a Grammar homework book. The grammar homework is set on a weekly basis and pupils will be directed to which pages they should complete (these will be dated).  The pages will not necessarily be completed in order but will be set according to what the children have been learning in school. The weekly homework should take approximately ten minutes. Grammar homework is set each Friday and the grammar homework book should be returned to school for marking each Wednesday.


Pupils are set weekly spellings on Purple Mash. Each child has a unique login to Purple Mash to practice their spellings.


Pupils have a maths homework book which links to the scheme we follow in school: White Rose Maths. The maths homework is set on a weekly basis and pupils will be directed to which pages they should complete - this is usually 2-3 pages per week. The weekly homework should take approximately twenty minutes. Maths homework is set each Friday and the maths homework book should be returned to school for marking each Wednesday.


Pupils have access to Times Tables Rock Stars (TTRS) to practice their times tables. Each child has a unique login to TTRS. The more the children practise, the better they will become.

Imagination station

All pupils in KS1 and KS2 have an exercise book for creative writing. Each half term, there will be a suggested theme for the pupils to write about. T



St Sebastian's RC Primary School

Douglas Green (off Norfolk Street), Salford M6 6ET
what3words: /// call.logic.swing
0161 921 1625
[email protected]


Caroline Doyle | Headteacher

Jannine Platt | Deputy Headteacher and SENDCo

Helen Cooper | School Business Manager

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Year 5